Moorlands Farm, Hedge End, Hampshire

We are pleased to announce that proposals for a new light industrial development have now been submitted to Eastleigh Borough Council for determination.

The proposals are for an exemplar light industrial scheme designed to achieve a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating and includes a substantive and integrated landscaping scheme and ecology strategy

The bespoke design of the proposed buildings is informed by the site’s characteristics as a former farmstead, within the countryside.

While materials selected reflect the site’s agricultural past, they have also been implemented to break up the visual mass. ‘Blocks’ of timber cladding have been applied to imitate a collection of structures. This is amplified by using a variety of cladding finishes for each block and through the positioning of openings. Each block of cladding is also broken up by planting to create separation and give the impression of a series of individual rural buildings.